Maranatha SDA Christian School integrates God’s word, the Holy Bible, as the foundation for life’s lessons and purpose for life’s choices. It is our desire that each student has the opportunity to get to know God for who He is and learn about His amazing love and grace for each of us. Students are introduced to Bible stories, Bible principles, and Christian history as we explore God’s purpose for us in Worship and Bible class. We learn about the character, creativity, and innovation of God as we study our Earth and its inhabitants throughout the day. The application of God's Word is explored as we read literature that is written for all phases of life and reflect on how the lessons help us grow. We memorize key scriptures as we cover curriculum. All curriculum is chosen to be in harmony with a Christian worldview. While materials are all in harmony with a Christian worldview, they are not all necessarily written by Christian authors. We find value in exploring the work of many respected scholars and understand that we may differ at times in our approach to the world and learn how to determine what are true facts versus what is opinion and how to value the process of thinking and concluding opinions. Students develop leadership skills as they help plan and lead out in education programs and presentations based upon Christian principles. We help our students learn that when there are questions in life that seem to be difficult to answer that they can turn to God’s word for help.

At times, it is possible that beliefs at home differ from the conclusions discussed at school. Students are always encouraged to share their thoughts, questions, and learning both at home and school. Respectful listening and sharing is encouraged and students are given opportunity to listen to each other and share their ideas and thoughts with respect as we study together. Many versions of the Bible are available for the students to use as we study, and students are encouraged to bring their Bibles from home to use as well. Whenever there is a difference between home and school, it is the school's practice to encourage that students follow parental guidance.
While we are thrilled when our students do decide to give their hearts to the Lord and follow Him in baptism, it is never our intention to push any certain church, doctrine or belief into their lives. The decision to follow Christ is very personal and taken when a person is ready. The details of how that decision plays out in each life is one that is guided by the Lord, in His time, and in the way that is best. We celebrate the moments of giving a heart to the Lord and eventual baptism with great enthusiasm, no matter the denomination that a family belongs to.